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Sessions and Fees

Autumn Forest

"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful' - Joshua J. Marie

Discovery Calls

These calls provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about hypnotherapy and how it can help you.


Free – approximately 15 minutes

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is an information gathering and informative session. I’ll ask what has brought you to me and what you’d like to achieve and take a brief history.  I will also explain how the brain works, why you are experiencing your symptoms and how solution focused hypnotherapy can help you achieve your desired outcome.  We will also discuss how many sessions may be needed, as everyone is unique and the number of sessions needed, can vary from one client to another. 


I will also explain the structure of your future Solution focussed hypnotherapy sessions and how we will work together via the Zoom online platform. And finally, I will send you my hypnosis track for you to listen to every night before sleep. The hypnosis track is an important part of the whole process and will help you achieve your desired outcome when used consistently.


Please be aware that no hypnotherapy takes place during the initial consultation session.


Initial consultation-

approximately 60 minutes – £60

(includes an mp3 download of my hypnosis track).


Hypnotherapy Sessions

Each hypnotherapy session has two parts.  First talking part (psychotherapy) and then the hypnosis/trance part (hypnotherapy).


For the first part of each session we’ll talk about what’s been good in the previous week.  I’ll be encouraging you to think in a more positive way, to understand the benefits of more positive language and start to encourage new thought processes e.g. by focusing on solutions rather than problems.  I will also explain how the brain works in more detail which will unlock a deeper understanding to enable you to make positive changes and add coping mechanisms to your ‘toolbox’.


In the second part of the session you will imagine your preferred future, one where you are working towards your desired goal. I’ll then guide you into a relaxed state of hypnosis so that your mind can consolidate what we have discussed. You may hear some, all, or none of what I say, which is expected as the subconscious mind listens to what it needs.  Your brain will be working hard processing everything we have discussed. It is useful to know that after hypnosis some clients say they experience feeling heavy, drowsy or like they’re floating, these are absolutely normal.  They also say that they feel very relaxed which is wonderful.


Hypnotherapy sessions – approximately 60 minutes – £60


Smoking cessation is an intensive, one-off session for up to 2 hours – £180


Individual relaxation session- approximately 35-40 minutes – £40


Please note that payment is due at the time of booking, via bank transfer or PayPal.

Image by Christin Hume

Cancellation Policy

To cancel an appointment 24 hours’ notice is required. Appointments can be rearranged, I’ll happily reschedule. When 24 hours’ notice is not given the session will be charged in full.

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